Little Rock Christian's Theatre Department puts on "Cinderella" for the spring musical.
If theater sounds interesting, the stage crew for the spring musical “Cinderella” could be a great place to start. The stage crew is tasked with creating and moving props, moving the set, lighting, projection, and costumes, as well as doing the cast’s hair and makeup. With responsibilities before, during and after the shows, there are places to plug in that fit most skills, interests and schedules.
Those with an eye for style, fashion and appearance can join the hair, makeup and/or costume crew. The set crew could be a good fit for those who enjoy moving props and equipment on stage in a timely manner. The lighting and projections crew are in charge of several of the behind-the-scenes processes and are typically found in the sound booth in Warrior Hall with a bird’s eye view of everything happening on stage. They make sure the backdrop, sound and lighting are exactly as the directors want them to be. Music, microphones, and lights are completely in their control. The theater productions welcome individuals of different ages and experience levels.
In addition to the stage crew, the student stage management team, hand selected by directors Mrs. Shepherd and Mrs. Abby Curry, are in charge of the whole show These theater-experienced students serve as backstage directors and problem solvers throughout the production, making sure everything is going smoothly once the curtain goes up.
To apply for any crew position, students can go to the “Cinderella” page on the school website (https://www.littlerockchristian.com/arts-at-lrca/theatre/hsproduction) to fill out an application. Deadline is Wednesday, Jan. 24. .
“Anyone can be a part of this process, no matter the age,” Mrs. Shepherd said. Successful applicants will have organizational and communication skills and be able to follow directions, Mrs. Shepherd added. Contact Mrs. Shepherd ([email protected]) or Mrs. Curry ([email protected]) with any questions.